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Meditation has increasingly become popular over the last few years and it is very easy to see why. Meditation, which refers to the simple act of quieting the mind so that you can focus on redirect your thoughts, has a host of advantages mentally, physically and emotionally- without any side effects! Meditating for as little as 10 to 20 minutes each day can make you happier and healthier while doing it for a long dedicated period can absolutely change your life for the better.

Yet, although meditation has been proven to have countless benefits, very few people do it on a regular basis. Why? Although silencing one’s mind may seem like a simple and straightforward act, in real sense, it is actually quite difficult to sit still and think of nothing even for a few seconds. This is because our minds are constantly producing an endless stream of thoughts that we are often unaware of. Meditation is designed to train your mind to trim and refine the many things that may be running through your mind so that you can begin to focus on the most important and useful things.

The benefits of meditation include:

Improving brain function

Meditation has some great benefits for the human brain including improving brain function as well as boosting blood flow to the brain. The human brain ceases to function without a steady flow of blood. When blood flow to the brain is steady, the brain then functions better which not only makes you more effective, but it also boosts your memory, attention to detail, self-awareness and much more.

Reduces stress and anxiety

Meditation works to reduce the production of the hormone cortisol, which is what is responsible for stress and anxiety. As such, if you often feel nervous and unsettled for any number of reasons, a meditation session can help you cope with the stresses of day to day life while allowing you to deal with life’s challenges as they come.

Meditation is great for your emotional health

People that meditate on a regular basis typically enjoy better emotional health. Establishing a regular meditation practice stimulates the parts of the brain responsible for positivity and contentment. By and large, meditation allows you to have a positive outlook on life which in turn goes a long way in helping to eradicate any negative thoughts.

Improves concentration levels

If you suffer from a short attention span, then meditation can work wonders for you. Mindfulness meditation has been proven to help individuals with narrow attention spans concentrate better. Meditation is also very helpful to anyone looking to develop a sharp eye for detail or for anyone that wants to learn how to process vast amounts of information at a go.